Saturday, August 12, 2006

today is a new beginning

today is a new many things happened today that my head is spinning! today was the day that we found out who the girls teachers were... tynin got who we wanted. callista got someone we have never heard of. today i decided to try for a job that i really really want. being a teachers aide to mentally challenged youth and the best part? shannon is the teacher. i have to take a test to qualify, so today i called to find out when the test was, it is on tuesday! i called back and asked if they had a study guide to go by, and they did, so i ran down and picked it up. at first, i was so overwhelmed, i cannot do math, have never really understood it, have never really passed a math class on my own accord. the test booklet was 14 pages long, 4 of them covered english and 10 covered math! not good. and not just basic math, algebra, geometry, statistics, all kinds of stuff i really don't know. but i really want this job. so tonight, dave, shannon and michael wrote out practice questions and i learned so much math, by the end i was feeling so happy and like there was a slight chance that i could pass. so, pray on tuesday at 1:30 that i can pass this test. if i do and make it through the hiring i start work the following monday. but, it is perfect 8am until 2pm! my kids won't have to quit there stuff, i will be earning money and i get to be with my best friend! i have prayed that if it is god's will it will happen, if not, i will be ok with it. today, also brought about my daughter callista deciding that she wanted to cut her hair. i took her in for a trim and when we left it was 11 inches shorter! they asked her to donate it to locks of love and she agreed. it is so cute! i will take pictures tomorrow and post them. today, dave decided to fix things around the house, things that have been neglected for a long while and so the thing is that now it is a huge undertaking, but he is willing to do it. today, i said no to climbing. for the first time in two years. it felt horrible when i did it, but as the day wore on it felt great! today i sat and watched my daughters do cheerleading. i was impressed. it is so not in my nature to raise a cheerleader, let alone two! but they are really enjoying themselves. today, i learned that my mom may have cancer in her spine! this would be her third bout of cancer, not good. today, i feel like i know myself and what i am capable of a little better. today, i think i will get a good nights sleep.


Blogger Cory PiƱa said...

I hate math.

10:01 AM  
Blogger Melody said...

The worst is when you are trying to teach it in front of a classroom and suddenly you realize you have no idea how the math book got from Step A to Step B.

I'm excited for you, Debbie!

1:21 PM  
Blogger Dakota House said...

This is amazing and wonderful.

Except the Math. It is not wonderful.

But you are.

5:10 PM  

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